Coca-Cola Life prediction
I may not be right about this, but …
I’ve always thought Coca-Cola Life was a major innovation.
The gold standard for new carbonated soft drinks variants has long since been sugar taste, zero calories, all natural.
When Coca-Cola Life first launched in Argentina in July 2013, its calorie content compared with regular cola was 40%.
A year later, its UK launch calorie content was 67%.
Perhaps the vital taste profile proved better at the higher calorie level.
In April, Coca-Cola Life will be relaunched in the United Kingdom with a 55% calorie content.
I conclude that stevia production is advancing in refinement and that Coca-Cola Life is following suit.
It’s possible that a 60% plus calorie reduction remains the medium term goal.
But wouldn’t it be fantastic if Coca-Cola Life could retain its brand loyalty and progressively work towards zero calories?
That really would be leading the way for consumers to reduce calories without compromise.