Buckets of nutritious insights were poured out for delegates at our 4th Global Dairy Congress in Salzburg last week. Among them:
- 58% of German food products have retail prices below 1 euro.
- Dairy products account for 25% of small shop sales in Poland, with soft drinks taking another 25%.
- The Greek economy is the same size as the turnover of Wal-Mart.
- Probiotics were not introduced to Europe until 1990, the first being launched in Finland.
- Iran has the highest yogurt consumption per person in the world.
- Fonterra generates 23% of all New Zealand exports.
- Scientific research does not link high levels of saturated fat to heart disease.
- The dairy sector is responsible for 2.7% of global greenhouse gas emissions, 4.0% if you include beef from the dairy herd.
- 85% of dairy greenhouse gas emissions in New Zealand come from farms, 10% from processing and 5% from distribution.