Shame on you, public at large.
A recent survey by Litter Heroes collected 7,796 branded items of litter in British cities and found that:
- The most common were 34% drinks cans and bottles, 16% confectionery wrappers, 13% fast food, 10% cigarette packets and 8% crisp packets.
- The five most prevalent brands were 4.9% Coca-Cola, 4.1% Walkers crisps, 3.6% McDonald’s, 2.7% Cadbury and 2.0% Red Bull.
- We should all put more pressure on those who litter.
- We should also demand better facilities to collect litter and recycling.
- We should ask Litter Heroes to include cigarette ends and gum next time as I fear the wrappers would be heavily outnumbered by the contents. Literally.